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Deutschland Den Deutschen Meinungsfreiheit

Celebrating 75 Years of Freedom of Expression in Germany

A Milestone for Democracy and the Fight for Free Speech

Freedom of Expression and Assembly: A Legacy of Hope

The Federal Republic of Germany commemorates 75 years of freedom of expression, a cornerstone of its democratic foundations. This right, enshrined in the Basic Law of 1949, allows individuals to freely express their opinions and gather peacefully.

Opinions Unfiltered: The State of Free Speech in Germany

However, despite its importance, a recent survey reveals that only 40% of Germans believe they can express their opinions without fear of consequences. This statistic highlights the ongoing challenges and the need for continued vigilance.

Protecting the Enforcers of Liberty: The Importance of Safeguarding Freedom of Expression

Freedom of expression is not absolute; it must coexist with reasonable limits to prevent harm or incitement to violence. Hence, Germany recognizes the need to protect those who uphold the law and the rule of speech by safeguarding their safety.

Enshrined in the Constitution: Freedom of Expression as a Fundamental Right

Article 5(1) of the Basic Law declares that "Every person shall have the right to express and disseminate their opinion freely by speech, writing, and images." This fundamental right guarantees the free exchange of ideas and the pursuit of truth.
